Head & Chest Of Christ Head & Chest Of Christ
Item F7389
18.0"W 9.0"D 20.0"H
Great Oak Corpus 37 Great Oak Corpus 37
Item F8332
34.0"W 7.0"D 37.0"H
Great Oak Corpus 37 Great Oak Corpus 37
Item F8332RLC
7.0"W 34.0"D 37.0"H
Gothic Flint Bracket Gothic Flint Bracket
Item FS8625
20.5"W 14.0"D 23.0"H
Gothic Flint Bracket Gothic Flint Bracket
Item F8625
20.5"W 14.0"D 23.0"H
Gothic Eard 20in (Small) Gothic Eard 20in (Small)
Item F7131
20.0"W 13.0"D 20.0"H
Good Shepherd with Lamb & Staf Good Shepherd with Lamb & Staf
Item F6642
25.0"W 8.0"D 66.0"H
Fancy Niche 24 Fancy Niche 24
Item F8475
9.0"W 6.0"D 24.0"H
Crucifixion Scene Wall 64 Crucifixion Scene Wall 64
Item F8387
41.0"W 11.0"D 64.0"H
Crucifixion Art(Ignatius) 35 Crucifixion Art(Ignatius) 35
Item F9014
25.0"W 10.0"D 35.0"H
Crucifixion Art(Ignatius) 35 Crucifixion Art(Ignatius) 35
Item FS9014
25.0"W 10.0"D 35.0"H
Cross made of Metal 12'H (see Cross made of Metal 12'H (see
Item F7873
0.0"W 2.0"D 144.0"H
Corpus On Cross  20 Corpus On Cross 20
Item F8451
13.0"W 3.0"D 20.0"H
Corpus On Cross  20 Corpus On Cross 20
Item FS8451
13.0"W 3.0"D 20.0"H
Corpus Of Christ 60"H Corpus Of Christ 60"H
Item F7520
58.0"W 16.0"D 60.0"H
Corpus Of Christ 60 Corpus Of Christ 60
Item F7520RLC
58.0"W 16.0"D 60.0"H
Corpus For Real Hair 25 Corpus For Real Hair 25
Item F8512
6.0"W 9.0"D 25.0"H
Corpus 33in Head Down Corpus 33in Head Down
Item F8516RLC
28.5"W 7.0"D 30.25"H
Corpus 32"" with Cross Corpus 32"" with Cross
Item F7075
48.0"W 9.0"D 72.0"H
Corpus 30  Head Down Corpus 30 Head Down
Item F8516
29.0"W 6.5"D 30.25"H
Corpus 24 Corpus 24
Item F8515
5.0"W 18.0"D 24.0"H
Church Angels Set Of 8 Church Angels Set Of 8
Item HT1199S
2.0"W 2.0"D 14.0"H
Christ's Face on Wooden Cross Christ's Face on Wooden Cross
Item FS2300
13.0"W 2.0"D 16.0"H
Cherub Shelf 30.5 Cherub Shelf 30.5
Item F68876
31.0"W 14.0"D 12.0"H
Cherub Shelf 30.5 Cherub Shelf 30.5
Item F68876RLC
31.0"W 14.0"D 12.0"H
Chapel Wall Plaque Stations #1 Chapel Wall Plaque Stations #1
Item F25013RLC
13.5"W 2.0"D 19.0"H
Chapel Wall Plaque Station #9 Chapel Wall Plaque Station #9
Item F25009RLC
13.5"W 2.0"D 19.0"H
Chapel Wall Plaque Station #8 Chapel Wall Plaque Station #8
Item F25008RLC
13.5"W 2.0"D 19.0"H
Chapel Wall Plaque Station #7 Chapel Wall Plaque Station #7
Item F25007RLC
13.5"W 2.0"D 19.0"H
Chapel Wall Plaque Station #6 Chapel Wall Plaque Station #6
Item F25006RLC
13.5"W 2.0"D 19.0"H